International Guide: Health
- Your health is of utmost importance to you so be sure to check with your doctor and find out if you or your family will need any necessary vaccinations or immunizations for the destination country. The Federal Center for Disease Control and Prevention will be able to provide this information also.
- It is also recommended that you check and find out if your health insurance is covered in your new country or if you will need to move to a new provider.
- If you are taking any medication, check to see if it is sold by the same name in your new country.
- Bring a supply of any medication you are taking and this will give you plenty of time to locate a doctor and obtain a new prescription.
- It is important to locate the nearest hospital and to find English speaking doctors especially if you are moving to a county where English is spoken as a second language. This is critical if you or a member of your family has a medical problem.